Bhoomi Pottery sells Earthenware Clay CWE from Valentine Clays in 25 Kg bags at the lowest price in India. The Earthenware Clay has a Firing Range of 1080°C-1160°C, fires to a Smooth Off White colour, and is ideal for Throwing, Modelling and Slab Building. The clay is pugged, de-aired and ready to use.
CWE is a newly developed white earthenware clay containing highly plastic ball clays and china clays. It has superb throwing capabilities and is suitable for slab building.
CATEGORY: EarthenwareSHRINKAGE at 1100°c: 8%
SiO2 - 69.90%
TiO2 - 0.96%
AL2O3 - 19.80%
Fe2O3 - <>%
P2O5 - 0.11%
CaO - 0.34%
MgO - 1.87%
K2O - 0.24%
Na2O - 0.24%